Messiah Lutheran
Messiah Lutheran
Neighbors Sharing Life Through the Love of Christ

Messiah Lutheran

Neighbors sharing life
through the love of Christ

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Visiting for the First Time?


Join us Sunday

9:00 am – Sunday School and Bible Study
10:00 am – Worship

Our Address

2846 S Grand Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63118


Parking is available outside our building and across the street in Tower Grove Park. There’s a crosswalk just south of Messiah.

Enter Messiah through a wheel chair accessible entrance on Pestalozzi or the historic church doors on South Grand.

Sundays 10:00 am


Experience God’s presence as we gather for worship. Services include a traditional blend of hymns and songs, a children’s message, and holy communion every week.


Recent Sermons


Grow in Faith

Whether you’re six or sixty, there’s an opportunity to get to know Jesus.


Investing in Our Neighborhood

We don’t think it’s an accident that God planted us at the corner of Grand and Pestalozzi. Here are some ways that he’s enabled us to invest for our community.


The Ark

Welcoming students from EAGLE Tower Grove East to hear about Jesus at the Ark, a Christian after school program.


East fox homes

Ensuring affordable housing is available to the residents of Tower Grove East and Fox Park.


Messiah Community Center

Offering a space for community groups to gather.


About Us

Here’s a little bit more about Our Story, Our Staff and Leadership, and What We Believe.


Our Story

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Our story starts more than a hundred years ago. The neighborhoods around Tower Grove Park are still developing, and a small group of Lutherans come together. 

They see two needs in our community: 

  1. A place for neighbors to share life with one another

  2. A place for neighbors to experience the extravagant love of Jesus


For the past hundred years, we’ve been committed to that. 

From welcoming immigrants and refugees to South City to providing affordable housing to those in our community, we’re convinced that God planted us at the corner of Pestalozzi and Grand so that neighbors could share life through the love of Christ.

We believe that God wants you to be a part of this story too.

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Our Staff & Leaders

Want to know a little bit more about our staff and leadership? We’d love to introduce ourselves to you.

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Pastor Steve Miller

Pastor Steve is excited to serve God and minister to the people of Messiah Lutheran Church and the surrounding community. He's passionate about following Jesus and helping others find their place in God's greater story. Raised in the Chicago suburbs, Steve is a graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and he has served churches in Illinois, North Carolina, and Silver Spring, MD. He and his wife, Andrea, were married in August of 2012. They have two boys and a girl. In his spare time, Pastor Steve enjoys cooking, woodworking, and pretending that he is a runner.

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Pastor Mike Okine

Born and raised in Ghana, Pastor Michael Okine served there at Lutheran Media Ministry. Later he and his family came to Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. After completing his degree in communication in Houston, Pastor Okine was called to Messiah in 2006. In response to the question: “What’s the most important thing to know?” Pastor Mike says, “Jesus loves you! And don’t you ever forget that!”

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Becky Gill,
Operations Manager

Although originally from Chicagoland, Becky is thrilled to have adopted St Louis as her home. She lives in Tower Grove East with her husband, three kids, two cats and dog. When she’s not trying to solve church problems, she enjoys running, gardening, fires in the fireplace and adventures with the kids.

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Carlea Halverson,
ARK Site Director

Carlea has known many of the Ark scholars since EAGLE: Tower Grove East opened in 2016. She is thankful that she can continue building relationships with the families and students in her role as Program Director for Messiah's Ark. When she is not surrounded by elementary school students, you can find her singing with the St. Louis Symphony Chorus, and spending time with her family (CJ and their son, James) around their neighborhood in Tower Grove East.

Laura Lee Bausell

Music Coordinator

Being a lifelong St. Louisian, Laura Lee and her husband, Eric, and their four children enjoy living and working, learning and playing in St. Louis City. Laura Lee has been serving in music ministry for 20+ years and enthusiastically serves as Music Coordinator at Messiah. One of her favorite things to do is to support and encourage musicians of all ages to use their gifts and abilities in sharing music; she is passionate about worshipping God together through all seasons in this community.

Eric Bausell, Organist

Eric has been playing organ for Messiah for several years, but has officially joined as staff organist in 2025.

Messiah Leadership Team (MLT)

These amazing individuals meet regularly to oversee the work of our congregation. They serve in a variety of ways, encouraging our growth as followers of Jesus, challenging us to be his presence in our community, and providing space for us to share life together.

What We Believe

We confess this…

God created the world, all people are made in His image, and in the beginning everything was good.

Our lives and this world have been broken by sin—by our thoughts, words, and deeds; by our sometimes intentional actions; and by our oftentimes unintentional inclinations to do what we want and not what God would have us do.

We have hope and believe what God has revealed to us: He loves us so much that He is unwilling to let us and our world stay this way. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world—to redeem and restore our lives and everything there is. That’s what Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are all about. And when Jesus ascended into heaven, He sent us His Spirit and promised that one day He would return again. When He does, there will be a new creation. Jesus will judge the living and the dead. And those who place their trust in Him, will enjoy life with Him forever.

God reveals this salvation story in the Holy Bible. It’s summarized in the words of the Apostles’ Creed. And until Jesus returns, we shape our lives around His message. That’s why we gather together. That’s why we listen to God’s Word and receive the Sacraments. And that’s why we love our neighbors, because Jesus changes everything for the hope of the world and for the community in which we are planted.

We’re Proudly This...

Lutheran. More specifically, we’re associated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

What does that mean? We follow the teachings of Martin Luther that inspired the Reformation. Want to learn more about what that means? Our denomination shares a brief summary here.

Let’s Talk

Our Address

2846 South Grand
Saint Louis MO 63118